Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, April 25, 2013

Full Moon in Scorpio

Full Moon in Scorpio

© Lilkar | Dreamstime.com

Perhaps the best attitude to approach this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5° 46′ Scorpio on 25 April 2013, 12:58 PM PDT with is respect and reverence. Powerful archetypes are at work on this lunation representing deeply primal feminine mysteries, the kind it does not pay to anger. The Taurus-Scorpio axis has strong associations with the natural world and its cycles of life, death and rebirth.

After a couple of very fiery lunations the Scorpio Full Moon is quite a change featuring a preponderance in earth and water signs. The assertive independence of Aries gives way to the quiet intractability of Taurus backed up by Scorpio’s tenacity. Mars continues to conjoin the Sun in Taurus and Saturn in Scorpio conjoins the Moon . . . no give there. Lessons in delayed gratification and acceptance are the most likely outcome. Mature behaviors will be rewarded and those who insist on behaving impulsively stand a good chance of learning about instant karma. You know . . . where you do something stupid and promptly get smacked down for it?

Compassion enters the picture via Neptune in Pisces forming a sextile to the Taurus Sun and a trine to the Moon in Scorpio. In order to avoid Scorpio’s infamous sting all one has to do is practice kindness, patience and tolerance. That’s not too much to ask, is it? Respecting Saturn’s rules and boundaries is generally a smart move. Hooking up with strangers and treating others disrespectfully is not . . .

The trine between Venus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn connects the rulers of the luminaries and affirms the need to treat those close to us with love and consideration. Whilst I’m not convinced love heals all wounds it certainly goes a long ways to creating an ambiance where healing can take place. Saturn in Scorpio is still widely sextile to Pluto thus drawing the Scorpio Moon into the mix. Gingerly exploring our darker emotions can be very productive at this time. Gentle acceptance and forgiveness are the key components because triggering Pluto’s obsessive side would not be helpful. Above all don’t be afraid to acknowledge your darker impulses and accept them as part of who you are. No one is perfect so please don’t expect that from yourself or anyone else.

Pluto and Uranus in Aries are back within orb of their ongoing square which will be exact again on 20 May. If you are in the midst of delicate negotiations seeking to improve damaged relationships Uranus in Aries is the last influence you want to invite in because it can be extremely rude, disruptive and chaotic. Say no to Uranus inspired self-centered, risky behaviors or Pluto inspired controlling ones for that matter.

For fire and air signs who may be feeling squelched right now your bright spot is Mercury in Aries sextile Jupiter in Gemini. This bright, lively, spontaneous aspect inspires laughter and witty conversations. See? It’s not all peace, love and hushed voices!

This Scorpio Full Moon is a perfect time to honor Gaia and other feminine deities. So many people live apart from the natural world and its cycles it makes taking some time to get back in touch with those even more important. Walk on the beach or in a park. Go for a bike ride on a country road and hit your neighborhood farmer’s market for fresh produce. Stay in the moment and enjoy simply being alive.

On a personal note: The Scorpio Moon conjoins my twelfth house Jupiter and the Taurus planets fall in my sixth house . . . both squaring my natal Saturn in Leo. No getting around it, I need to be a responsible human being and do my chores before going out to play.

Saturn square Saturn marks the second exact pass of three for me with the final one happening in mid-September. It is part of the Saturn seven year review cycle and I need to step back and re-evaluate my aims and goals. Since my natal Saturn aspects both my Sun and Moon, this tends to be an internal event for me. What am I doing here, etc, etc. *sigh*

22 responses to “Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, April 25, 2013

    • I plan to keep going with the gardening 🙂 !

      Me too! Getting our hands dirty playing in the dirt is wonderful when Taurus rules the sky. 😀

      xoxoxo diane~

  1. Diane – I love reading your posts and look forward to reading new posts each week.

    I have a Scorpio stellium (sun 9°, moon 11°, mercury 7° and neptune 23°) in the 2nd house. My 8th house is empty. What can I expect from the full moon lunar eclipse?

    I’m hoping for positive changes to transform my life which has been quite stale for the last five years (job, love). To no avail, I have been searching for a new job for the last two years. I’m in the process of self-publishing my children’s book on Kindle. I would love for this book to be a literary and financial success. Perhaps with Jupiter in Gemini transiting my 9th house trining my Libra ascendant this is the right time to publish?

    • Welcome pennie!

      I have a Scorpio stellium (sun 9°, moon 11°, mercury 7° and neptune 23°) in the 2nd house. My 8th house is empty. What can I expect from the full moon lunar eclipse?

      All those planets in Taurus transiting your 8th, especially Venus (ruler of your ASC), should be helpful for you. Maybe speed up any tax returns? Could help with handling the paperwork w/publishing your book too.

      You’ve been living up close & personal with Saturn ever since it crossed your ASC in Libra & plodded thru your first house. Saturn transiting the second often teaches us more than we EVER want to know about living a frugal lifestyle. It will benefit you in the long run . . . just what you wanted to hear! 😛

      From mid-May thru early September, Saturn in Scorpio won’t exactly conjoin any of your Scorpio planets, giving you some breathing space. Jupiter in Gemini transiting your 9th does favor publishing & trine your ASC sounds good too. Have you run it by your beta readers & a good editor? Having it formatted properly is very important for ebooks. If you have lots of illustrations you may want to have the formatting done professionally. Saturn transits over your Mercury from May 1st to the 14th . . . it will more or less force you to handle those pesky details. 🙂 Good luck with this!

      xoxoxoxo diane~

  2. Diane – thank you!

    Natally with Mars in Capricorn square Saturn in Aries, which is part of a Grand Cross, I’ve had my fill of roadblocks and frustration in this lifetime. I’m so happy to hear I will have some breathing space from transiting Saturn soon!!!

    I’m working through formatting my book for Kindle. Thankfully I only have one cover illustration. If I hit too many snags, I will hire someone to do it for me.

    • With Mars in Cappy sq Saturn in Aries natally you do have plenty of experience with lessons in patience! Between Scorpio will & cardinal Mars push, there is usually a tendency to think sheer will power can make anything happen. Saturn square says “not so”. Eventually one runs into an immovable situation and learns about being creative with what we have . . . not what we want. Tough . . . 😛

      Thankfully I only have one cover illustration. If I hit too many snags, I will hire someone to do it for me.
      That sounds doable. What is your target audience?

      xoxoxo diane~

  3. The target audience for my fairy tale is young readers ages 7-9.

    Mars square Saturn is very tough….definitely driving with the brake on! I never seem to get what I want….only tough lessons. I hate this aspect!

    • The target audience for my fairy tale is young readers ages 7-9.

      Fairy tales are the classic teaching tool for cultural mores. I’ve read most of the classics at one time or another and love them. 😀

      Mars square Saturn is very tough….definitely driving with the brake on! I never seem to get what I want….only tough lessons.

      My sister has a Mars-Saturn conj in Cancer (I have no Mars-Saturn aspects myself . . . just Venus-Saturn). She’s a Scorp Sun like yourself. She’s in her late sixties and can still put in longer hours than people half her age. Mars-Saturn hard aspects do give one the ability to work hard & endure much. Heh, you have a double dose of Mars in Cappie with that square! Bet you are one tough lady! 😀

      xoxoxoxo diane~

  4. The Scorpio Moon will be conjunct my IC, coinciding with big progressed Moon stuff for me – pLunar Return coming up soon. Will see what all this brings!

    Meanwhile, D’s birthday today and not a great solar return. Sun & Mars conjunct in 12th house square Moon/IC. Venus also in 12th opposite Saturn, but sextile Neptune and wide trine Pluto. Correspondingly he is home with a bad cold, and we’re all in lockdown today in the Boston area with a manhunt for the Marathon bomber (we were 2 blocks away from that). Oy.

    • Hey Les!

      And here you just got back from a lovely, relaxing vacation to deal with the horrific bombing in your neighborhood. 😦

      Meanwhile, D’s birthday today and not a great solar return. Sun & Mars conjunct in 12th house square Moon/IC. Venus also in 12th opposite Saturn, but sextile Neptune and wide trine Pluto.

      At least the Moon is in Leo . . . he does have a generous dose of fire too, always good for Aries. Venus is generally well aspected & the opp to Saturn may be more about dealing with commitment issues. Mercury conj Uranus is great for coming up with innovative solutions though he probably will get impatient at times.

      Here’s to a swift resolution with finding the bomber and getting life back to a semblance of normality soonest. {{{{{Les}}}}}

      xoxoxoxo diane~

  5. Ha, well the vacation was anything but relaxing. My friend down there ran us ragged with back-to-back social events. Some of it was fun, but it was not at all what I had in mind! So it’s been an exhausting several weeks, culminating with yesterday’s craziness, but thankfully they have the surviving bomber alive. And my 85-yo dad had hip surgery yesterday morning and he’s come through fine. Would really like to go back to “normal” now. 🙂

    D’s solar return was on the 18th, so his SR Moon is actually at 28 Cancer, exactly square his Sun. But thanks for the good words re: the other aspects. He does have Mars in Cancer both square his Aries Sun and trine his Scorpio Moon in his natal chart, so I guess it’s energy he’s used to!

    • My heavens! No wonder you want to return to something resembling normal! There are now 4 planets in Taurus so perhaps that will help. Today’s Mercury-Uranus conj in Aries probably won’t . . . 😀

      Felt bad about the 19 yr old. Suspect he got caught up in his older brother’s dreams. It’s a tragedy all the way around. 😦

      D’s solar return was on the 18th, so his SR Moon is actually at 28 Cancer, exactly square his Sun. But thanks for the good words re: the other aspects. He does have Mars in Cancer both square his Aries Sun and trine his Scorpio Moon in his natal chart, so I guess it’s energy he’s used to!

      If he has a Moon in Scorp natally, having a Cancer Moon in his SR won’t be too shocking to him. Another good thing is his natal Aries Sun won’t be touched by the Uranus-Pluto sq! The last exact square is at 15° (hits both my Moon & my Aries’ Moon in March 2015). Wowser.

      xoxoxoxo diane~

  6. Don’t know what to expect, it all looks allright but the lunar eclipse is quite close to my natal Uranus (2 degr Scorpio) in the eighth house. Although I am experienced in controlling anger (hmmm maybe a little too experienced 😉 I see the sextile this full moon makes to my natal mercury (6 degr Cap, Sun 3 degr Cap) as a positive thing. Some sort of outlet, which may be needed (because of 8th house full moon) but controlled enough because my Merc is in Cap, so just slow enough, but also deep enough.
    Lalala, forgetting the square to my Asc in 3 degr Aquarius, that would come down to Uranus again…
    What to do if Uranus can’t accept not being part of the party?!

    • Hi Brex!

      I see the sextile this full moon makes to my natal mercury (6 degr Cap, Sun 3 degr Cap) as a positive thing. Some sort of outlet, which may be needed (because of 8th house full moon) but controlled enough because my Merc is in Cap, so just slow enough, but also deep enough.

      I agree . . . since your natal Uranus in Scorp is sextile your Cappy Sun-Mercury this eclipse should more help than hindrance.

      What to do if Uranus can’t accept not being part of the party?!

      Have plan B, C & D? *grin* Hey, you obviously survived having the Uranus-Pluto square hit your Sun in Sept 2012, so this is easy peasy. 😀

      xoxoxoxo diane~

      Brex, would you consider using the form on my Personal Reports page to send me your birth data? Then I’ll be able to offer better feedback based on your chart. Thanx! 🙂

  7. BTW, 8th house… my moneyis flying out of my hands already, I guess I have accepted that 😉 so there’s more room to play for other 8th house subjects 🙂

  8. The first thing I actually wanted to react to was: “Above all don’t be afraid to acknowledge your darker impulses and accept them as part of who you are.” Last night I dreamt I was dying my hair black, looking in the mirror (psychologically something special in dreams) and saying to myself: well, that looks much better… how about that! Accepting my darker side, letting it show more, or putting on a mask to hide my inner goodness?

    • Last night I dreamt I was dying my hair black, looking in the mirror (psychologically something special in dreams) and saying to myself: well, that looks much better… how about that! Accepting my darker side, letting it show more, or putting on a mask to hide my inner goodness?

      I vote for accepting your dark side & giving it a place in your life. 😀

      xoxoxo diane~

  9. Hi there, I’m not sure whether to be very nervous about this eclipse or not…have had a very crazy upsetting 2013 so far and need signs of hope – are there any?! My natal moon is 4 degrees scorpio conjunct neptune at 7 degrees scorpio, in the 10th house, and the moon squares my late capricorn venus/mars conjunction in the 1st house (where sits also saturn). And though not in the relevant degrees, my sun is Aquarius (conjunct chiron) opposing my leo uranus, 2nd/8th houses – help!! i have had an awful lot of anguish and anxiety to do with family, past and present, and from that to do with inner wounding, and home/house/security (&homelessness/powerlessness family-related), as well as honesty and confusion in relationships/partnerships – ie the whole caboodle!! I – and my dream images – suggest very strongly that I have been inwardly broken and unsupported, and ‘lost’ with it and – well, I’m not sure I can take much more of a lifetime’s constant stress/’testing’ which seems to have culminated so immensely this year so far. Can you offer hope or suggest a best way through this one?! Would be very grateful…

    • Welcome Janet!

      Saturn makes one last pass over your Moon in July before moving on. Since the water Grand Trine will be in effect during that time period it might mark the turnaround point though with Saturn we often see those things in retrospect.

      Please send me your birth data using the form on my Personal Reports page. That way I can give you better quality feedback privately. I never was all that good at story problems . . . Thanks! 🙂

      xoxoxoxoxo diane~

  10. Sweet Diane,
    No problems with taxes (yet… 😉 I am just happy I receive some money for the government because I cannot work (back). It’s not much, but I can pay the bills and would never complain about “free money”. Just hope I can earn my own money soon, when docters have decided if I need surgery or not.
    Death: I’m done with death. My father died in 2008, when Pluto arrived in Cap (my father was a Cap also) and it was the worst thing I ever had to live through, and I had some life experiences already 😉 But this was the limit, it had so much unforseen consequences, Pluto took much more away then just my dad.
    Right now I am going through a long, unpleasant phase (Progressed Moon in the 8th, transitSaturn int he 8th, Pluto square Pluto, my god, can I please feel sorry for myself?! 😉
    The Uranus-Pluto square hitting my personal planets, or the Pluto=Pluto square, I don’t know who is giving me a bad time, but somebody is! Although I still feel it’s nothing compared to Pluto conjunct my sun. It IS annoying in all kinds of aspects (personal, physical, family, friends, financial) but I know that one day it will be over and I try to use this unpleasant time to investigate my own unpleasantness, my behavior to other people and myself, my motifs, and finally, my vocation (Oh, I forgot one transit right now: Neptune square my MC! 1.5 years to go! WAAHHH!!!) so I think I will also need time to investigate my vocation(s) 🙂 Time… it all comes down to time. So I take it easy, and try to convince myself that time could be my friend instead of constantly thinking it is the enemy.
    Easy like a Sunday morning (somehow connected to my 12th House Venus 🙂

  11. @ Janet,
    Just saw your comment. It is hard to say anything deep or detailed about it, because I cannot see your whole chart. But I recognise the things you say, and want to say something about it, although it might be superficial. I think this Moon is the last and big message of negative things that are poking at us the last few months. I thought I read somewhere that this eclipse is (almost?) the last of a series, so it’s ending. I think it has to do with a final understanding of Loss and Change, and how it changes you. Because it is in your tenth house, I think about: the changes in how people see you (and therefore, conflicts!), and how you are showing yourself to the world. You must have changed a lot, have become another person. People close to you always have difficulties with that, because the want to feel safe and want you to be the way they know you. With Neptune close (I have him in the 10th also, my biggest problem with it is that I don;t know what to do “in the world”, who to be and how to use my talents, if I have them ;-), with Neptune close, it is confusing anyway, for you and them. So try to relax and wait for what will come out of the fog. Maybe it all will end up in some ideal you want to live out in the following time. (Moon, Neptune, female, art, beauty, dreams, fluids, idealized mother). Maybe it is all about creating your own safety, in the material and in the spirit. when there is a lot going on in your life, you tend to forget: What do I want? How do I want it to be?
    With your aquarius Sun, you must have friends and should always find a home or shelter. Try to be your own best friend, when things ‘outside’ seem not much trustworthy. Janet… have faith! Goodluck.

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