New Moon in Sagittarius, December 12, 2023

The energy on this New Moon at 20° 40’ Sagittarius on12 December 2023, 03:32 PM PST is wild and crazy. The results of our actions can run the gamut from very successful to complete ruin due to the Sagittarius Sun and Moon tightly inconjunct Uranus in Taurus as well as squaring Neptune in Pisces. The inconjunct from the Sagittarius Sun and Moon to Uranus in Taurus will be exact within twenty four hours before the New Moon. The Moon will square Neptune in Pisces a few hours after the New Moon whilst the Sagittarius Sun will exactly square Neptune in Pisces on December 16. In other words, the effects of the inconjunct to Uranus in Taurus will be felt most keenly on the New Moon while the Neptune fog will only get more dense through Saturday. Another factor is Mars in Sagittarius which widely conjoins the Sagittarius luminaries and is pushing the possibility of acting with reckless abandon. Sanity on the New Moon comes from the harmonious aspects between the planets in earth and water signs.

To suggest this is not the best time to make decisions by the seat of our pants is likely an understatement. Those who have their personal planets and/or Ascendant from 19° to 24° in the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) need to take extra care when contemplating their next move. Only those who are innocent and pure of heart may be able to escape unscathed when making snap judgments. There is another factor at work too. Mercury stations retrograde the day of the New Moon at 8° 29’ Capricorn, and Mercury stations are when we’re most likely to experience all types of Mercury retrograde issues. Lovely timing!

Mercury in Capricorn may be stationing retrograde but it does so trine Jupiter in Taurus and sextile Venus in Scorpio. These are very positive influences and may help deflect some of the worst effects of Mercury at a standstill. It does make sense though to follow practical guidelines and choose the most pragmatic option when making decisions. Mercury in Capricorn sextile to Venus in Scorpio adds a helpful touch of much needed tact to counter the bluntness of the Sagittarius planets. As long as Mercury remains in Capricorn encouraging realistic thinking, we should be OK.

Pluto continues its march through the final two degrees of Capricorn and is still widely sextile Neptune in Pisces. It appears to have little impact on this lunation.

Perhaps we can still enjoy the New Moon in Sagittarius show by taking a step back from the action. Getting caught up with all the craziness and irrational exuberance is not really a safe option. Fantasy is best enjoyed in a book or a movie rather than risking everything in real life for something that may not manifest at all. Mercury stationing retrograde on the New Moon is a strong signal to coast for awhile if at all possible. Put up holiday decorations, make Christmas goodies and choose to spend time with people we truly love to be around. We’ll need to put extra effort into practicing patience, being tolerant of other people’s opinions and above all practice being kind! Embrace the generosity and humor of Jupiter ruled Sagittarius whilst leaning on the boring but stable earth and water energy. Peace and love to all.

Note: Timing is averaged for EDT to PDT.

Image:  The Fairy of the Moon © Hermann Von Kaulbach