Full Moon in Cancer, December 26, 2023

The dominance of the earth and water signs continues on the Full Moon at 04° 58’ Cancer on 26 December 2023, 04:34 PM PST. The Cancer Moon and Capricorn Sun create a Cradle Pattern with Jupiter in Taurus and Saturn in Pisces. This gives the Full Moon in Cancer a calm, centered vibe that can easily be used in productive ways. The jarring note is Mercury Rx in Sagittarius conjoining Mars in Sagittarius with both square Neptune in Pisces. What energy we choose to align ourselves with will likely determine how much we enjoy this Full Moon!

Cradle Patterns are only composed of compatible signs and in this instance it is earth and water signs. Since the Cancer Moon-Capricorn Sun axis creates the base with trines and sextiles connecting those planets to Jupiter in Taurus and Saturn in Pisces, the focus is on the balance between our home life and our professional life as well as the ever present need to feel secure in both environments. Jupiter in Taurus is widely sextile Saturn in Pisces which combines a positive attitude with a strong sense of responsibility. This suggests the possibility of being able to discover new and better methods to successfully work out ways to have a happy home while still making important contributions professionally.

It is possible Neptune in Pisces will drain enough energy from the Mercury-Mars conjunction in Sagittarius to limit the fiery explosion it is capable of creating. The urge to jump to conclusions with minimal facts is very possible. It may take awhile for the effects of the square from Mercury-Mars to Neptune to dissipate because Mercury will be exactly square Neptune shortly after the Full Moon, then it will conjoin Mars on Wednesday and Mars in Sagittarius won’t square Neptune in Pisces until Thursday. Not to mention the fact Mercury won’t station direct until January 1! Let’s just say the week between Christmas and New Years is not the best time to make critical decisions due to unreliable information. By the way, those most likely to feel the worst effects of this aspect are those who have personal planets and/or Ascendant from 22° to 26° in the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces).

Another source of positive energy is Venus in Scorpio. It makes a waning trine to Neptune in Pisces (exact on December 25) and a waxing sextile to Pluto in Capricorn (exact on December 29). If we are considering make a commitment regarding financial matters and/or a serious relationship, this is a good time to contemplate what we’d like to do, as long as we take our time before taking action, of course.

Uranus in Taurus is on the sidelines for this lunation, and that’s just fine. 🙂 It will have a positive impact on the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11 when it will be trine the Capricorn Sun and Moon!

For most of us this Full Moon in Cancer ought to be a positive event that allows us to review our current career-home balance in a healthy way. If we find we need to make adjustments and workarounds, we may find the simplest and most practical solutions will likely be the most effective. If we’re careful and double check the data for accuracy, we can tap into the fiery inspiration of that edgy Mercury-Mars in Sagittarius conjunction. It makes more sense to choose peaceful options rather than being drawn into tense discussions and outright fights. Embrace the quietly loving energy swirling through the atmosphere and allow it to permeate our beings. Remember to always practice patience, kindness and tolerance too. Peace and love to all.

Note: Timing is averaged for EDT to PDT.

Image: Full Moon in Cancer © Diane Lang